Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011
"Belajar dari sebuah peristiwa.....kenapa tidak"
"Berpikir dan terus berpikir, menganalisa sesuatu yang sudah terjadi walaupun terkadang sudah terlambat namun keterlambatan itu masih bisa dimanfaatkan untuk sesuatu yang sangat berguna di kemudian harinya sebuah lesson learn (pelajaran berharga) saripati dari sebuah peristiwa"
Jadi teringat akan sebuah buku karya futurulog sekaligus pemikir dari amerika serikat bernama alvin toffler Future shock(1970) dan yang terakhir berjudul "Creating A New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave" (1995) yang merangkum bagaimana kondisi manusia dalam menghadapi dekade abad 21. Dimana istilah keren nya "the third wave", sebuah perubahan besar akan melanda dunia dan mengubah peradaban dunia yang telah menjadi sebuah peradaban yang benar benar baru. Sangat menakjubkan sekali memang, dimana terjadi benturan peradaban yang tidak akan bisa terelakkan, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh terobosan teknologi informasi yang menghilangkan dimensi jarak dan waktu. Penemuan sistem global positioning system telah membuat berbagai macam terobosan budaya baru semakin mudah. Dan yang terakhir kemajuan teknologi meng izinkan adanya temuan baru seperti yang ter ekstrem kloning makluk hidup.
Sebuah cerita paradoks ketika seorang abdi negara ditugaskan dalam sebuah misi gabungan ,dimana dia harus berkumpul dan bergaul bersosialisasi dengan rekan dari negara lain yang tentunya membawa budaya mereka sebagai identitasnya. Di sinilah awal dari fenomena benturan budaya ini ada, sebuah ironis memang dimana terdapat perbedaan bertolak belakang antara kebiasaan hidup kita dengan mereka.sebuah teka teki sisi mata uang yang sampai kapanpun akan bertolak belakang. Namun terkadang karena kurang siapnya kita menghadapi "shock wave" yang diakibatkan oleh benturan peradaban tadi. Kita akan dihadapkan kepada pilihan yang sangat sangat sulit, berdiri diantara kelegalitasan yang semu. Di suatau pihak kita di perbolehkan namun di sisi lain yang lebih kuat itu di larang sebagai bagian dari identitas. itulah yang terkadang harus di sadari terutama bagi mereka yang sedang dihadapkan pada tugas yang mengharuskan hidup bergabung dan berdampingan dengan rekan yang mempunyai budaya yang ekstim dan bertolak belakang.
Sedemikian hebatnya sehingga sangat besar sekali impact /effect yang di timbulkan hanya karena kurang siapnya kita menghadapi benturan peradaban yang pasti dan akan terjadi,kita rugi akan sendiri olehnya. Yang terbaik yang bisa kita lakukan sebenarnya adalah mencoba menjadi diri sendiri dengan jatidiri yang ada dengan cara tanpa menolak tapi menyerap perubahan peradaban dengan style dan cara kita.
Dengan jalan itu sudah barang tentu kita akan mampu ikut mengalir tanpa harus menabrak karang yang terjal dan menghancurkan..
Selamat berkarya...
Di separuh jalan pengabdianku "GARUDA"
Di hiruk pikuknya deru desing semangat dan gelora pengabdian
Raga dan sukma ini berdiri tegar tertepis angin kencang kering berdebu
Di tengah panjangnya jalan pengabdian tak terasa separoh jalan sudah terlampaui
dengan peluh bercucuran dan legamnya raut rona merengginas
di samping kiri dan kanan lajur bertebaran duri tajam dan kerikil kecil lugas tak berbelas
Merambat pelan tapi pasti...senyap cepat tepat...sampai juga ku berteduh di safe point halte pemberentian pertama.
Aral rintangan kerap datang bertubi namun syukur "alhamdulilah" satu demi satu jatuh berguguran.....berkedip bunga sakura terbuai dari keringnya dahan dan pohonya.
segudang "masalah",setumpuk "persoalan", seabrek perbedaan ter "reduksi" ter"fusi" dan ter "transformasi" dalam solidnya kerja sama....brotherhood
Keankeragaman yang semula menjadi sangsi ternya ter"bhineka tunggal ika"-kan menjadi satu kekuatan "laten'maha dhsyat....kamahane..
Kejayaan satu demi satu teraih dengan torehan,robekan dan cucuran pengorbanan semangat dan tekad tanpa menyerah
Merah putih sebagai nyawa yang telah merasuk ke dalam dalamnya sukma
Dengan satunya tekad dan semngat yang tidak hanya tinggal setengah terpakai
Tapi ter'additional" karena ter"charge" oleh tempaan alam dan pengalaman
Membuat Livetime ini semakin kuat "power on top" untuk siap siaga meraih keberhasilan di lompatan setengah ke depan
Selamat berjuang, selamat berkarya
Dengan semgat,tekad dan niat yang kuat ...kami yakin "kepak sayap pasukan Garuda akan mampu hinggap di singgasana tertinggi...."kesuksesan"
"Garuda" hormat bangga bagi negeri tercinta
Jumat, 20 Mei 2011
Learn from Football strategy for Your best Organization
We start from alex ferguson, why he's so very important and famous around the world ( special from football lover). he is figure of the best football team manager in last two decade. He have been coached Manchester United since early of 1990 and until now he bring their club to highest level club in Europe and the world too. He can reach the highest supremacy for football in English as the winner of EPL (English primer league) for 19 time's. Not only in English, their club won 4 champions league, who only the best football club in the Europe can join with this. An almost every year in last decade, he can dispatched MU on the semi final. So amazing his achievement very phenomenal. But the most important from all is he started from zero. He lead the youngest troops to the champion. he never put the star player for his team. but he try to create or born the new star. The famous example is Cristiano Ronaldo the best player in the world on 2007 and 2008. if we look deepest from he's method to coach how to play football. He always play with spirit never stop until the whistle flute by umpire at the end of the game. We was remembered when on 15 minutes last Manchester United can reverse the scoor to be the winner of league champion with defeated bayer munchen on 2006. it was most credible moment in the history of football.
Let's learn the ferguson Method one by one:
He put the fundamental philosophy of football play. The principal is all 11 player who play on the field as same level, no one stayed as the star and target man. they stayed at same level same job to be a winner. and every player must be know about his job and also his striker his duty was to created a goal. and he become a target point and also target view of supporter and the victim. if he can do the duty excellently the impact is he will be famous and to be a star. But it was normally and for player in the another position he can't to by jealous. Because they have different job description. Vidic as defender his job was keep their area defend from lost of goal. He lead their defend strength to maintain area from all any rival strike. For vidic no goal strike inside in the team is main achievement and as additional task is support the play maker and striker to created the goal.Although sometime VIDIC can created score but it rarely. It's name crucial achievement. Furthermore Play maker, as example paul scholes he always run and run to open area and give accurate passing to create ability to make a goal. He stop for a moment the enthusiast to make goal by himself he never selfish to make a goal. He always try to make opportunity for other player. in this time striker to make a goal. It's name a game, all player know their position and also their job description. They can't jealous to another player, because for they only one name be say "Manchester United". They support for each other to reach the highest achievement. the CR7 achievement is to be proud for all member of their club.
Ferguson known as manager with the best attitude. he never make different and compared one person with other under their command. he salute the man who serve the game like grass cut master, massage master, chief till star like Cristiano Ronaldo.
From this lesson we can take several point become the assessment for the organization. in the best organization each person in the each position must be do all task according to their own job description never go outside from the mark line that created by their manager.The right position can be a star because their duty is reach the best as the last weapon. and who sit in abother position with a different job can't jealous. it's a mandate all do every task, assigment omly for one final destination for our team glory...........let's do the best for the best achievement without break the best by ourselves"
(magoroku......we only see from far side but we can direct act to the spot)
Senin, 09 Mei 2011
The shiny sun in South of lebanon
Summer comming....summer comming
Some child shout and run happily at village park in at-taibe, one of remote municipality in south Lebanon 6 km from Blue Line (BL) the imaginer lines which made by UN as result of understanding between israel and lebanon for signed border to seperate two parties. it also showed last border for israel to withdrawn their troop from lebanon in 2006. it was known 26 day war between israel and lebanon. As usual in another place in the world, the child life full in cheerful and freedom. summer is special moment for local population. They spend a lot of time for recreation or just relaxation from crowded schedule and also heavy life. For a while they can forget it all matter relation with war, poverty, and harassment. it's too useless if don't use it for benefit act. During this session all school will be holiday and finally the meaning is time for us to work.
We start to give a little happy in the center of child environment. One of my duty in south lebanon as former conflict area is pull out all tarumatic experience among people in conflict area especially for child,because the future belong to our child as inheritance from ancestor. don't forget it!!!
one of kind for application it was CIMIC activity. Special activity which created UN as result from military and civilian coordination to conduct social and human activity. The CIMIC would be applicated and disparate for several kind activity such as liasing, medical assistance, nursing, library, extralearning, and many other kind of activity.
We got special program which difference with other, it's name "smart car", don't be wrong perception or would be deception. Smart car is figure as car with all equipment inside. like small libary walking but not only it, they also bring all toy equipment, lesson equipment and entertainment equipment. So we can imagine only with one car but we and also all people ,who stay around can be read book, play some toys, learn english, try to use computer and many other kind activity.
We hope, with our program ,the child in south lebanon keep smile and forgotten all traumatic attack in their mind. they can facing the future optimistically for better life, better condition to reach all dream and ambition to lead the world
Ahlan wa sahlan
syukron jazilan
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